Not everyone will pass this test. That’s OK. We’ll only work with partners who understand that transparency is what savvy consumers demand.
So you can feel confident when shopping in our marketplace. We’ve assembled the best products from the best companies who will be around to pay your claims.
Under the Hood, Our Protection Plans

Additional Products to Keep Your Vehicle Safe
Tire and Wheel Road Hazard Protection
Paintless Dent Repair Coverage
Key / Remote Replacement
Windshield Protection
An auto warranty is an agreement between the owner of the vehicle and a warranty company. The warranty company agrees to pay for repairs, identified in advance, during the specified warranty period. A warranty period is generally based on car mileage; anywhere from one thousand to several tens of thousands of miles. The longer the coverage, the higher the price of the auto warranty. Warranties are often purchased in lump sum amounts, but certain companies also offer monthly payment plans.
Auto warranties are generally considered a wise purchase, since the cost of car repairs can easily exceed thousands of dollars. However, that reasoning only holds true if the auto warranty covers the repairs needed. Auto warranty contracts have a lot of fine print. Understanding the scope of coverage is imperative to making a wise purchase. You also need to make sure the company offering the auto warranty is reputable – a warranty company that goes out of business will not be there to issue auto claim payments. Simply put, not every auto warranty is created equal.
Before agreeing to purchase an auto warranty, you need to be sure to consider the following items:
• Repair Coverage. Will the auto warranty plan cover the costly repairs that may be needed?
• Cost. How does the cost of one auto warranty company compare to the next? Are you getting what you’re paying for?
• Reputation. If and when you have an auto repair claim, will the auto warranty company stand behind you and your claim?